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December Newsletter

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

A very warm welcome to my December diary – I hope this newsletter finds you all well.

I start with the following updates about future publications.

So much has happened since my November newsletter. The main news is something you would have already seen by reading this. The new website is a massive improvement to the last. A very big thank you to Ayee Bz for the time and dedication to putting in the hard work to make this possible.

You will find this site more user-friendly and have plenty of opportunities to send in your thoughts, requests, reviews, and get involved. No different to any other author; any reviews are appreciated; these details will be added to this website (under reviews). Your feedback is valuable to me. As usual, the support as ever has been excellent – thank you so much, you guys. Again, I am getting more reviews through this site; I have added them in the reviews section.

The advertising part of the site always welcomes you to plug your business for free. It will hopefully allow your product or company to gain a wider audience. Please remember, this does not have to be local to the UK.

There is also a section where you can hear recent interviews; you will find an option to add any questions for future interviews, which will also be added from time to time. There is a new interview posted at the same time as the publication of this newsletter.

This newsletter will be the last title as a monthly newsletter, this will change to updates, and these will be added, keeping you updated with the up-to-date news rather than waiting for the next month to roll around.

If you are a regular visitor to my Twitter page and the previous website, you will already know, where possible, I generally do a great deal of re-tweeting to support fellow authors. If you would like a mention at any point, please forward your requests through this website on the contact menu. Other than that, your follow would always be welcomed; please feel free to leave me a message.

Now for an update on my writing - I am slowly but surely working on my next short story called “The Attic”, a tame horror adventure that is again very different from any previous titles released. More updates on the progress of this title will be added here on the updates.

My new novel, the fantasy story called ‘‘The Impossible Dream’’, is still sadly being put back for now. This title will need a lot of dedicated work and time, and the target is to make this my main project over the next year.

Before ‘‘The Impossible Dream’’ is provided with a release date, after the Attic, my Short Story 2 collection will be released in early 2022.

You will find that my title -“The Secret”, is currently only available on Amazon through the Kindle/e-book version. I amended the cover on this title, and Amazon advised that the change may confuse the reader, and they may purchase thinking that this is a different title, yet purchase the same story. Is it also conflicting with another title written by Mark D Radford? I am still trying to work with Amazon on this; however, it is felt that this title can still be published with the new cover via the e-book, but not the paperback. More updates on this will be added as or when they become available.

I want to thank you and my friends, who continue to give their time to support me and my work. Thank you for being a huge part and joining me on this exciting and incredible journey. The published titles are dedicated to you, the readers, for the wonderful support that you have provided over the years – this will never be forgotten.

All support, along with those who had stuck by me and gave me the support when I needed it the most and still do so to this very day – you know who you are…I will never forget it.

I want to take this opportunity to wish you, those who provide constant support and the reader, A Happy Christmas – Enjoy the festive season wherever you are.

I wish you all – Good Luck, Good Health and Good Fortune and a Happy New Year for 2022

Please stay safe, and once again… thank you for your incredible support.

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